
S200 Smart智慧升級彈簧床褥

磁療 x冰感科技新睡眠
Magnetic Therapy x Coolmax® TechSleep

床褥厚度Mattress Thickness24cm
優質保用(年)Quality warrantyyear):5









  • 床褥一面採用來自土耳其Comfytex專有的礦物磁療物料,能幫助腦部「松果體」分泌褪黑素,有助調節睡眠的節律,全面放鬆肌肉,達致最佳深睡眠狀態。
    The unique material with function of Magnetic Therapy introduced by Comfytex from Turkey is used on one side of mattress, which can help to secret melatonin from the pineal gland in brain, regulating circadian rhythms of sleep and relaxing muscles in body to achieve deep sleep.
  • 礦物磁療物料通過日本早稻田大學進行的專項研究,證實比普通針織面料令用家更容易進入深度睡眠狀態,有效提高整體睡眠質量。
    A special study has been conducted by Waseda University in Japan, which confirmed the magnetic fabric effectively improves better sleep quality than other normal fabrics.
  • 床褥另一面採用比利時Bekaert Deslee(貝卡特)專有Coolmax®冰感物料,獨特的水分管理系統,可改善空氣流通並有助減少濕度,營造更涼爽舒適的睡眠微氣候。
    Another special cooling material used on other side of mattress, is the Coolmax® tech-fabric introduced by Bekaert Deslee from Belgium. The high-tech fabric forms a unique moisture management system for improved air circulation which helps to reduce humidity, creating a pleasantly cool microclimate while in sleep.
  • 兩面用床褥,可定期翻轉使用,延遲床褥的使用壽命
    Available for flip or rotate for sleeping both sides of mattress, which allows for longer product lifespan.
  • 採用高溫熱處理之高碳鋼邦尼爾連結式彈簧
    High Carbon Steel Bonnell Spring processed by high temperature treatment
  • 特設76cm x 183cm或76cm x 190cm單人尺碼選擇而不設訂造附加費
    Single size of 76cm x 183cm or 76cm x 190cm is available without surcharge of custom-made.