Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Executive Directors

Mr. Cheng Sze Kin (Chairman)
Mr. Cheng Sze Tsan (Vice-chairman & Chief Executive Officer)
Ms. Wong Pik Hung

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Lo Siu Leung
Dr. Cheung Wah Keung
Mr. Chow On Wa

List of Directors and Their Role and Function Download

Board Committees

Audit Committee

Mr. Lo Siu Leung (Chairman)
Dr. Cheung Wah Keung
Mr. Chow On Wa

Terms of reference  Download

Remuneration Committee

Dr. Cheung Wah Keung (Chairman)
Mr. Lo Siu Leung
Mr. Chow On Wa

Terms of reference  Download

Nomination Committee

Mr. Cheng Sze Kin (Chairman)
Mr. Lo Siu Leung
Dr. Cheung Wah Keung
Mr. Chow On Wa

Terms of reference  Download

Investment Committee

Mr. Cheng Sze Kin (Chairman)
Mr. Cheng Sze Tsan
Mr. Chow On Wa

Terms of reference  Download

Memorandum and Articles of Association  Download

Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director Download

Arrangements on Dissemination of Corporate Communication Download